U.P. Orthopaedic Association
Welcome message

It’s a matter of proud privilege and great pleasure for us to organize the prestigious 48th Annual Conference of UP Orthopaedic Association which is to be held from 02nd – 04th February 2024 at AMA Convention Centre, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.

To be an integral part of the association means a lot to us, and top of that presiding the academic event, definitely an edge above. Scientific Programme for the conference being the most sought after for almost all of us and the same shall enrich us for our day to day activities.

It’s the great history of UPOA that conducts the UPORTHOCON in various city clubs and the priority is always academics, not to forget the faculty, the atmosphere, the ambience, the hospitality, the cuisine and above all the camaraderie. This is the reason why UPOA is one of the largest State Chapter in IOA. We never left the side of continuous education even in the adverse conditions. We will thrive hard to maintain our status and what can be the better platforms than these sorts of events where we shall become aware of the latest of academics and CMEs

On this happy note I wish the 48th UPORTHOCON a grand success. The Org. Chairman Prof. D C Srivastava, a great administrator, along with the Org. Secretary Dr. Maneeshi Bansal, good friend of us, and his never say die approach with dynamic team of POA will do wonders.

Shall we welcome and request everyone to be an active participant in the 48th UPORTHOCON 2024 at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.

Long Live UPOA . Jai Hind


Dr. Anup Agrawal
(President, UPOA)


Dr. K.D. Tripathi
(President, Elect - UPOA)


Dr. Santosh Singh
(Secretary, UPOA)